Add a custom error page

Your website will look better if you have a custom error page with your logo or a user-friendly message that the visitor sees when, for example, he types a path or file in his browser that does not exist on our server.

Tip: make sure you have uploaded at least one custom page with the number of the error and best also your logo.

Follow these steps in the control panel to add a custom error page:

  1. Go to “My products” > “Web hosting” > Click on the button “Manage hosting” to the right of your domain name for which you want to change the error page.
  2. Select “Site settings” in the menu on the left and then click on the “Error pages” tab.
  3. Choose an error e.g.: 404: File not found. Click on “Edit page”.
  4. The website’s error page must be uploaded to the “errors” subfolder of the main (www) folder: /errors/404.html.
  5. Click on “Save”.

error pages

Updated on 23 June 2020

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